Nearly Half Your Team Are Women
All Of Them Will Experience Menopause

Give Your Team Services to Help Them Thrive

sanoLiving pairs AI technologies and experienced menopause clinicians to deliver personalized, evidence-based care that empowers women to manage their health.

Let’s Talk About
Menopause in the Workplace

There is a pressing need to address the health challenges women encounter during perimenopause, menopause, and post-menopause.

5.4 Mwomen age 40+ in the workforce*

75 % say symptoms impact ability to function**

20 + working years spent in menopause life stage***

10 % exit the workforce due to symptoms, annually****

*Statistics Canada
**Fawcett Society
***Kronenberg (2010)
****Menopause Foundation of Canada

Download Our Product Overview for Organizations

Retain Your Most Valuable Assets - Your Workforce

Avoid midlife leaves and departures with sanoMidLife.
Menopause Belongs in the Boardroom

Canadian organizations lose almost $1 billion each year due to menopause symptoms. Roughly 300,000 women aged 40 to 60 exit their careers annually because of these symptoms, often resorting to extended medical leaves for mental health, chronic pain, sleep disorders and more.

Providing quality menopause health services will not only reduce these prolonged absences, but also optimize employee performance and foster long-term health.

It's More Than Hot Flashes and Night Sweats

The risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and dementia is significantly increased by the loss of estrogen due to menopause.

Providing women effective treatment reduces the risk and increases productivity.

We’ve Been Misled About Effective Treatments

In 2002, a Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) study made headlines, warning about increased heart disease and breast cancer risk from hormone therapy (HT). This deterred many women and doctors from the treatment.

Evidence has since alleviated initial concerns, especially for younger women. But even with recent findings, doctors still hesitate to prescribe HT, often due to inadequate training.

Canada Is Behind

Places like the UK, Australia, and New Zealand are paving the way, implementing health policies, support groups, and education.

Women deserve more; they need access to evidence-based treatments and experienced clinicians.

Retain Your Most Valuable Assets - Your Workforce

Avoid midlife leaves and departures with sanoMidLife.
Menopause Belongs in the Boardroom
It's More Than Hot Flashes and Night Sweats
We’ve Been Misled About Effective Treatments
Canada Is Behind

Canadian organizations lose almost $1 billion each year due to menopause symptoms. Roughly 300,000 women aged 40 to 60 exit their careers annually because of these symptoms, often resorting to extended medical leaves for mental health, chronic pain, sleep disorders and more.

Providing quality menopause health services will not only reduce these prolonged absences, but also optimize employee performance and foster long-term health.

Stats Canada (2021)
Menopause Foundation of Canada (2021)

Contact Us

Consider adding menopause care to your benefits package. Our innovative solution, sanoMidLife, offers high-quality menopause care at an affordable price.

sanoMidLife Has Everything They Need

What sets us apart? Our complete approach - advanced technology, expert menopause clinicians, HT prescriptions*, trusted educational content, plus:
National Coverage in English and French
Clinical Assessments
Virtual AI Assistant and Real-life Coaches
Personal Care Plan and Dashboard
Educational Materials
Peer-to-Peer Support Groups
Vitamin and Supplement Recommendations
Lifestyle and Exercise Support
Prescription Medication and Management* - if applicable
Access to Allied Health Professionals**
National Coverage in English and French
Clinical Assessments
Virtual AI Assistant and Real-life Coaches
Personal Care Plan and Dashboard
Educational Materials
Peer-to-Peer Support Groups
Vitamin and Supplement Recommendations
Lifestyle and Exercise Support
Prescription Medication and Management* - if applicable
Access to Allied Health Professionals**

sanoMidLife Has Everything They Need

What sets us apart? Our complete approach - advanced technology, expert menopause clinicians, HT prescriptions*, trusted educational content, plus:
National Coverage in English and French
Clinical Assessments
Virtual AI Assistant and Real-life Coaches
Personal Care Plan and Dashboard
Educational Materials
Peer-to-Peer Support Groups
Vitamin and Supplement Recommendations
Lifestyle and Exercise Support
Prescription Medication and Management* - if applicable
Access to Allied Health Professionals**

*If applicable
**Appointments within 1 week

The sanoMidLife Benefit

As Canada’s premier women’s online menopause centre, sanoMidLife offers your employees a complete care program that improves their health now and in later life.

Our virtual AI assistant ‘Sano’ and a team of certified menopause practitioners collaborate with your staff to offer support through every stage of their menopause journey.